Project Cargo

Big dreams, upgrade your supply chain with Manuport Logistics.

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Project Cargo Transportation

At Manuport Logistics, we're the experts in handling steel, project cargo cusoms clearance and forwarding. Our proficiency spans customs clearance and seamless forwarding, ensuring your shipments, including pick-up at the factory, sea or air transport, and on-carriage of cargo of all sizes and dimensions, navigate international transport with absolute finesse. Although it often concerns larger items, the transportation of project cargo is a delicate job. From windmill hubs to dam components or cranes: you need your project shipment to arrive safely and quickly. For this reason, reliable and efficient transportation is a must.

And that's where we come in. Our team of experts understands that for every project, time is of the essence. Through our extended international network of specialized forwarders, we can offer a worldwide door-to-door service for any project shipment.

We are specialized in heavy and out-of-gauge cargo, including CFS stuffing and stripping, we excel in providing multi-modal capabilities across land, rail, air, and barging. Our meticulous approach includes route surveys, road permits, coordination of police escorts, and oversight of civil works, ensuring a smooth transit every step of the way.

Connecting you seamlessly to terminals and warehouses is our forte, and we specialize in break bulk vessel charters, both full and partial, with meticulous onboard inspections to guarantee the safety and integrity of your cargo. Additionally, our transshipment and coaster services are tailored explicitly for project and steel cargo, ensuring reliability and efficiency.

When it comes to industrial packing, crating, stuffing, and stripping, our expertise shines. We're equipped to handle time-critical air freight services, ensuring your shipments reach their destination precisely when needed. As an example, we can arrange all transport for the construction of factories

With a global network of experienced agents, and worldwide connections to terminals and warehouses, Manuport Logistics is your trusted partner for reliable, efficient, and secure logistics solutions tailored to your specific requirements.

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