Environment, Social & Governance

at Manuport Logistics

At MPL we want to provide innovative logistics solutions while minimizing our environmental impact and fostering social responsibility. We value our customer’s needs and are always willing to got the extra mile in our partnership.

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Manuport logistics


We empower sustainable decision-making

GHG Emissions

As a logistics service provider, we are dedicated to taking accountability for our environmental impact, and we understand the critical importance of measuring and reporting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Through our GHG emission data results, we are aware of our environmental impact and commit to driving positive change. We acknowledge that the fight against climate change requires a collective effort, and we are dedicated to being a part of the solution. By transparently sharing our emission data and striving for continuous improvement, we work towards a sustainable future, reduce our carbon footprint, and contribute to a healthier planet for current and future generations.

CO2 Calculations

Empowering Sustainable Decision-Making

At Manuport Logistics, we recognize the need of our customers to accurately assess their carbon footprint and making informed decisions to reduce the environmental impact. Through our customer portal, our clients have the possibility of using our CO2 calculation tool a valuable added service, based on real data from their actual transport.

Multimodal Transport

Multimodal transport enables us to optimize routes, minimize empty miles, and reduce carbon emissions. By partnering with Manuport Logistics you are strategically combining various modes, choosing the most environmentally friendly combination, maximizing efficiency, and minimizing your ecological footprint. Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a responsibility we share, and with multimodal transport, we make sustainable choices a reality. Find out more about our multimodal transprort services here.

Manuport logistics


The most important assets are, of course, our 750+ differentiators spread across the world.

Employee Well-Being

Manuport Logistics values employee well-being as a fundamental part of our culture, recognizing employees as our most important asset. We prioritize a healthy and fulfilled workforce for individual and team success. To achieve this, we offer flexible work arrangements, comprehensive healthcare, and professional development opportunities. We also support work-life balance and employee schedule autonomy.

Initiatives like the "Ten Miles" program, health checkups & cancer screening, and first aid courses promote well-being. Our goal is to create a supportive workplace where employees feel valued and supported in personal and professional growth. Investing in employee well-being not only aligns with our values but also drives engagement, productivity, and long-term success. Together, we are committed to empowering individuals to reach their full potential and meet personal and organizational goals in a thriving work community.

Social Responsibility

We embrace our social responsibility to positively impact our communities and environments. We commit to conducting our activities sustainably and ethically. An example of this commitment is our support for river cleanup, as we enable river transport with Barging Solutions and want to reduce our impact on rivers.

Charitable support is integral to our culture. We believe in giving back to the communities we serve and making a positive difference. Our support extends to causes such as education, poverty alleviation, and social welfare, including the Belgian initiative "De Warmste Week." We organize employee events to collect resources for this charity, and our employees are enthusiastic participants.

We see supporting charity as both a responsibility and an opportunity to inspire positive change. Collective action has the power to address social issues and create a compassionate, equitable world.


Every year we organize numerous activity in all of our offices around the globe.


Strong governance is the foundation of our commitment to ESG principles, a cornerstone for sustainable growth and stakeholder trust. In collaboration with Euroports, we have established a robust code of conduct that reflects our commitment to ethical, legal and responsible actions and applies to everyone representing Manuport Logistics.

Our Ethical Commitment

We commit to go beyond compliance with laws and ethical standards. We are signatory to the UN Global Compact and are committed to the 10 principles with respect to sustainable development in the four areas of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. Furthermore, we conduct our business in an open and transparent way and commit ourselves to well-established accounting and reporting standards. Manuport Logistics complies strictly with the laws and regulations designed to combat money laundering activity. We also have an internal screening procedure.

Our Standards of Working Together

We will not discriminate or tolerate discrimination with respect to gender, race, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, or any other characteristic protected under the law. Here we have a zero-tolerance policy for workplace discrimination and harassment. Our employees deserve to work in a safe and healthy environment. We strive to promote the physical and psychological “well-being” of our employees.

Our Business Integrity

Business integrity is the cornerstone of our organization’s values and the guiding principle that underpins everything we do. We firmly believe that conducting business with unwavering integrity is essential for building trust, fostering strong relationships, and achieving long-term success. In our Code of Conduct we have policies for the following topics to make sure we uphold our business integrity: shareholder trust, business partnership, conflicts of interest, fair competition, bribery and corruption, gifts and benefits and data protection.

By upholding business integrity, we aim to create a culture of trust, respect and accountability within our organization and in our relationships with all stakeholders. We believe that acting with integrity not only ensures our organization’s long-term success but also contributes to the overall well-being of the business community and society as a whole.

By prioritizing effective governance, we aim to build trust, and create value for our stakeholders. Together, we are committed to uphold strong governance practices that align with our ESG commitments and contribute to a more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable future.


ISO 9001:2015

ISO90012:2015 is an internationally recognized standard for quality management systems that sets out criteria for organizations to establish, implement, maintain, and continuously improve their quality management processes. This demonstrates our commitment to consistently meeting customer requirements, enhancing customer satisfaction, and driving overall business excellence.


Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)

An authorized Economic Operator (AEO) is a designation granted to businesses involved in international trade by customs authorities. This program, established by the World Customs Organization (WCO), aims to enhance security and facilitate trade by recognizing companies that meet certain criteria related to customs compliance, supply chain security, and financial solvency. The AEO status signifies that Manuport logistics has demonstrated its commitment to maintaining high standards in customs compliance, including accurate and timely reporting, proper documentation, and adherence to customs regulations and procedures.

Food Chain Alliance (FCA)

The Food Chain Alliance certificate is a recognized credential that demonstrates an organization’s commitment to food safety, quality, and traceability within the food industry. This certification signifies that the organization has implemented robust systems and practices to ensure the safety and integrity of the food supply chain, from farm to fork.


The EcoVadis certificate is a prestigious recognition that highlights an organization’s commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility. It serves as evidence of an organization’s dedication to operating in a responsible and sustainable manner. The EcoVadis certificate demonstrates that MPL has undergone a rigorous evaluation process to assess its sustainability practices across various dimensions, including environmental impact, labor and human rights, ethics, and supply chain management.

Our Ecovadis score in 2024 is 86/100, which means a Platinum Medal and in the 1% of our sector.

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Manuport logistics
Manuport logistics
Manuport logistics
Manuport logistics


What we Ship


How we Ship

Manuport logistics